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Aural Learning - Learn Aurally with Audio Books -AudioBooks CD

Are you an Aural Learner?

An Aural Learner

  • Tends to remember and repeat ideas that are verbally presented
  • Learns well through lectures
  • Is an excellent listener
  • Can reproduce symbols, letters or words by hearing them
  • Likes to talk
  • Enjoys plays dialogues, dramas
  • Can learn concepts by listening to tapes / CDs Audio Books
  • Enjoys music
  • Can repeat or fulfill verbal instructions

Is listening to an Audio Book a better way for you to learn. With an AudioBook will you retain more?



Aural Learning News

Center for Speech and Hearing - Southeast Missouri State University News

Center for Speech and Hearing  Southeast Missouri State University News

Posted on 4 March 2022 | 4:59 pm

The Best Language-Learning Apps - The Manual

The Best Language-Learning Apps  The Manual

Posted on 10 August 2021 | 4:30 pm

Treblab and 1More’s Aural Offerings - Santa Barbara Independent

Treblab and 1More’s Aural Offerings  Santa Barbara Independent

Posted on 13 December 2018 | 6:30 pm

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions