
School Orders

School Orders

We can take School orders - but we must receive  payment with the order. You can place an order and choose pay with Cheque/Money order as your payment option. You can print out a tax invoice that you can then draw a cheque on if that is how you want to pay - details below:

Cheques need to be made out to Sagin Pty Ltd.  We are an organisation - that differently to most internet sellers - actually keeps a large amount of stock, and thus we are unable to offer credit to purchasers. If however you have a large order (over $ 1,000) contact us here and we can discuss special terms

The Tax Invoice you can print out has ABN details and GST payments.


Printing out a tax invoice to include with a Cheque payment

Once you have completed you order - select pay by Cheque or Money order and then process the order.

On the completion page you have the option to print out a tax invoice of the order you have made - see below:

printable tax invoice













Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions