The Unincorporated War by Eytan KollinGet other Science Fiction AudioBooks here The Kollin brothers introduced their future world, and central character Justin Cord, in The Unincorporated Man. Justin created a revolution in that book, and is now exiled from Earth to the outer planets, where he is a heroic figure.The corporate society, which is headquartered on Earth and rules Venus, Mars, and the Orbital colonies, wants to destroy Justin and reclaim hegemony over the rebellious outer planets. The first interplanetary civil war begins as the military fleet of Earth attacks. Filled with battles, betrayals, and triumphs, The Unincorporated War is a full-scale space opera that catapults the focus of the earlier novel up and out into the solar system. Justin remains both a logical and passionate fighter for the principles that motivate him, and the most dangerous man alive. Brilliant 21st-century tycoon Justin Cord was brought from cryogenic storage into a 24th-century society where people own stock in one another, safeguarding each other's welfare only out of economic self-interest. This is anathema to the defiantly individualistic Cord who leads the outer edges of the solar system to form a new government and revolt against the core world of earth and mars. Brilliant 21st-century tycoon Justin Cord is brought from cryogenic storage into a 24th-century society where people own stock in one another, safeguarding each other's welfare only out of economic self-interest. Note: the structure of this mp3 audio book is mp3-cd. This will mean it will only play on computers with CD-ROM or DVD drives or CD players that are equipped to play mp3-cds. It can however be cloned from a computer to an mp3 player like an ipod sandisk rockbox sony or similar player. The Unincorporated War by Eytan Kollin |