Angels 101 - by Doreen Virtue
Audio Book on CD
Brand New (still shrink wrapped): 1
"Do you have a book about angels
for someone whos a complete beginner?"
Doreen frequently heard this question at her workshops, so one morning when she
clearly saw and heard the title Angels 101, she knew that the angels wanted her
to write a basic primer on the subject of these celestial beings.
This abridged audio book is the result of that angelic directive: a
nondenominational overview of who the angels are, the ways that angels help us,
and how to call upon them. No matter where you are on a spiritual or religious
path, this program is sure to deepen your understanding and love of the angels!
About the Author Doreen Virtue
Doreen Virtue is a spiritual doctor of psychology and a fourth-generation metaphysician who works with the angelic, elemental, and ascended-master realms in her writings and workshops. Doreen is the author of more than 20 books about angels, chakras, Crystal Children, Indigo Children, health and diet, and other mind-body-spirit issues, including the best-selling Healing with the Angels and Messages from Your Angels books/angel cards.
Doreen, who holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, was the founder and former director of WomanKind Psychiatric Hospital at Cumberland Hall Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. She was also an administrator at Woodside Women’s Hospital in the San Francisco Bay Area. Both all-women psychiatric hospitals specialized in treating women’s psychological issues. Doreen also directed three outpatient psychiatric centers, including an adolescent drug and alcohol abuse center.
As a child, Doreen was a natural clairvoyant, seeing and conversing with what many people call “invisible friends.” But this natural gift and ability was little understood by the young Doreen and her family, and was the cause of teasing by her friends. Consequently, Doreen learned to deny her abilities, effectively shutting them down before she was mature enough to fully appreciate them. But on July 15, 1995, Doreen’s personal life and her career, marked by exemplary but conventional success, would be irrevocably altered by an incident that is nothing short of miraculous.
Doreen had been ignoring her angels’ guidance to become a teacher of mind-body-spirit issues, so when an angel warned Doreen that her car was going to be stolen on that fateful July afternoon, Doreen ignored him. After all, her habit of arguing with and ignoring the angels was deeply ingrained by then. Despite this, the angel did not abandon Doreen in her most dire moment—as she was parking, two armed men, intent on a carjacking, brandished weapons and physically accosted the unsuspecting Doreen. The voice spoke to her again—it was loud, distinctly male, and it instructed her to scream with all her might. This time she listened, and her life was saved by passers-by who became alarmed and sent her attackers running.
Doreen immediately began a daily rigorous practice of receiving and deciphering her Divine Guidance. Simultaneously, she was reexamining her spiritual beliefs, along with her Western psychological beliefs, the end result being twofold: Doreen was guided to look at psychology from a whole new perspective, and her natural clairvoyance rapidly returned with the same clarity and strength of her childhood experiences. Dr. Virtue’s practice then naturally evolved into “Angel Therapy,” in which she combined her background in psychology with her spiritual abilities.
Today, Doreen is known around the world for her connection with the realm of the angels. She has devoted her lifework to teaching us all how to clearly hear the messages from our angels. “When you work with angels, you can lean upon their light to help you heal at miraculous rates and in amazing ways. The angels can help us heal physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.”
She conducts experiential workshops on spiritual psychological issues worldwide. Many of her students are medical and psychological professionals, including M.D.’s, R.N.’s, psychologists, and social workers.
Doreen conducts a call-in online radio show on Hay House Radio. For specific shows schedules and more information, visit Hay House Radio.
A frequent talk-show guest with appearances on Oprah, CNN, Good Morning America, The View with Barbara Walters, Donny & Marie, Roseanne, and other national programs, Doreen is also a columnist for several monthly publications. Magazines and newspapers that have featured her work include McCall's, TV Guide, Woman's Day, First for Women, Vegetarian Times, Lotus, Woman's World, Miracles, Bridal Trends, USA. Today, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Daily News, The Boston Globe, Men's Fitness, Shape, and The Denver Post.
Among Doreen’s most recent works include: the Connecting with Your Angels Kit, to assist you in getting to know and understand your angels; and the Angel Medicine book, where she demonstrates how to heal the body and mind with the help of the angels.
“The angels are with us as a gift from our Creator, and their aim is to establish peace on Earth, one person at a time. Working wing-in-hand with the angels, I believe that this goal is possible. May your inner light burn brightly today, and all the days to come.”