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Energy Clearing - Cyndi Dale - AudioBook CD

Energy Clearing - Cyndi Dale - AudioBook CD

Energy Clearing

by Cyndi Dale

Unabridged 2 CDs Audio Book Set

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Energy Clearing - Cyndi Dale - Audio Book CD  

Brand New (2 CDs, 2.5 hours):  

About Energy Clearing

In Cyndi Dale’s healing practice, she has found that the vast majority of issues people struggle with do not originate from within—they start from energies unwittingly absorbed from others. With Energy Clearing, she provides you with practical, accessible techniques to strengthen your own energetic boundaries and cleanse your subtle body for improved health, happiness, and mental clarity.

Guided Practices for Safeguarding and Enhancing Your Energetic Health. Just as you can catch another person's cold, you can also "catch" their bad mood, anxieties, or even traumas. Fortunately, your energetic body has an immune system--and with Energy Clearing, acclaimed author Cyndi Dale brings you the key practices and techniques for enhancing the natural healing energies of your subtle anatomy. "Our energy fields affect more than our health," Dale explains. "They impact our happiness, our prosperity, our decision making--every facet of life." Join this world-renowned teacher to learn a complete self-care regimen of energy practices, including: --A chakra-based method for scanning your subtle body to diagnose specific problems and imbalances --Techniques for creating healthy energetic boundaries to keep out negative influences while staying open to what nourishes you --Guided meditations for clearing your internal blockages and increasing your natural strengths --Daily practices to invigorate yourself in the morning, deal with real-life situations during your day, and cleanse your energy field at night. In Cyndi Dale's healing practice, she has found that the vast majority of issues people struggle with do not originate from within--they start from energies unwittingly absorbed from others. With Energy Clearing, she provides you with practical, accessible techniques to strengthen your own energetic boundaries and cleanse your subtle body for improved health, happiness, and mental clarity.

About Cyndi Dale

Cyndi Dale has been a natural intuitive since she was young, and offers these gifts to clients and groups seeking to make real and positive change. Her passion includes helping people open their “essential energy,” the powers and perspectives unique to them. She works with thousands of individuals a year, in the United States and internationally, because once an individual understands their own essence, they can tap into the energies of—and beyond—the world, joining the community of like-minded people who want to better themselves and others.

Cyndi is an internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and business consultant. Her books to-date include bestselling New Chakra Healing, now published in over ten languages, and revised in an all new edition The Complete Book of Chakra Healing; Advanced Chakra Healing: The Four Pathways Approach; Attracting Prosperity Through the Chakras; Attracting Your Perfect Body Through the Chakras; Advanced Chakra Healing: Heart Disease, Advanced Chakra Healing: Cancer, The Littlest Christmas Star, Illuminating the Afterlife, and The Subtle Body: The Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy. Coming in March 2010, Everyday Clairvoyant.

Other books and audiotapes include Sounds True productions such as the six-part CD training, Advanced Chakra Wisdom, and other CDs including Healing Across Space and Time, Illuminating the Afterlife, The Littlest Christmas Star, and Energy Clearing. Also available is her intuitive training DVD, The Songbird Series.

Cyndi has presented seminars and workshops in Russia, England, Wales, Amsterdam, Iceland, Scotland, and has led groups across South and Central America and into Africa. Her training has encompassed studies in shamanism and healing across the world, taking her into the Peruvian, Belizean, Hawaiian, and Costa Rica jungles, the Moroccan sands, the Venezuelan savannahs, the glaciers of Iceland, and other exciting places. She seeks to unify the world’s most vital spiritual messages, encouraging understanding and community among all peoples.

On a daily basis, Cyndi works with clients and groups, serving as an intuitive coach and an energy healer. Clients are commonly referred by professionals, including psychiatrists, medical doctors, and therapists. She continues to hone her ability to help people discover their essential selves so that they can make healthy and positive changes in their lives.

Cyndi offers training, classes and apprenticeship programs in the United States, teaching on subjects including her own Four Pathways™ healing system, subtle energy systems, shamanism, intuition, and prosperity. Her speaking engagements have included the Whole Life Expo, Healthy Life, and Edge Expos, Normandale Community College, Healing Touch Associations, and several other venues. Currently in development, Cyndi is working on teleseminars and online training programs, allowing her to train individuals nationally and internationally for longer duration instruction.

Cyndi has been trained in several different healing modalities, including shamanism, intuitive healing, energy healing, family of origin therapy, therapeutic touch, the Lakota way and faith healing and holds a fourth degree mastership in Reiki. Her travels and training have taken her around the world. She taught business ethics at the University of Minnesota; served as a public relations consultant to 3M and Tonka, and has been honored in “Who’s Who in American Business,” “The American Women of Noteworthy Achievement” and the “International Association of Business.

Cyndi lives in Minneapolis with her sons, Michael and Gabriel, as well as five pets, whose names are on file with the FBI, and so therefore, cannot be disclosed.

Energy Clearing - Cyndi Dale - Audio Book CD  

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