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Walking; the Ultimate Exercise for Optimum Health - Andrew Weil and Mark Fenton - AudioBook CD

Walking; the Ultimate Exercise for Optimum Health - Andrew Weil and Mark Fenton - AudioBook CD

Walking; the Ultimate Exercise for Optimum Health

by Andrew Weil and Mark Fenton

Unabridged 2CD Audio Book Set

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Walking; the Ultimate Exercise for Optimum Health - by Andrew Weil and Mark Fenton - Audio Book CD  

Brand New (2 hours 2 CDs):  

About Walking; the Ultimate Exercise for Optimum Health

Most of us enjoy walking, but not everyone knows how to turn this simple exercise into one of the most powerful self-healing tools known to medicine. On Walking: The Ultimate Exercise for Optimum Health, Dr. Andrew Weil joins Mark Fenton, the nation's foremost expert on walking, for an invigorating audio program that gives listeners all the tools needed to begin a daily walking practice. On Part One, Dr. Weil and Mark Fenton explain the proven ways in which walking helps you look and feel younger, reduce stress, improve immune function, achieve your ideal weight, and more. On Part Two, listeners get walking with a fully programmable workout that features two warm-up options and five intensifying sessions, paced by cadence cues and motivating tips for each phase.

There are dozens of resources on walking for better health, but none with the ultimate walking coach alongside America's most trusted complementary health-care physician. Whether you're a seasoned walking enthusiast looking for an edge or taking your first steps toward a healthier tomorrow, with Walking, anyone can put their best foot forward to make the most of this enjoyable and life-changing exercise.

About Andrew Weil

Andrew Weil, M.D., is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, a healing oriented approach to health care which encompasses body, mind, and spirit.

Combining a Harvard education and a lifetime of practicing natural and preventive medicine, Dr. Weil is the founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AzCIM) at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, in Tucson, where he is also a Clinical Professor of Medicine and Professor of Public Health and the Lovell-Jones Professor of Integrative Rheumatology. Dr. Weil received both his medical degree and his undergraduate AB degree in biology (botany) from Harvard University.

Dr. Weil is an internationally-recognized expert for his views on leading a healthy lifestyle, his philosophy of healthy aging, and his critique of the future of medicine and health care. Approximately 10 million copies of Dr. Weil's books have been sold, including Spontaneous Healing, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health, Eating Well for Optimum Health, The Healthy Kitchen, Healthy Aging, and Why Our Health Matters.

Online, he is the editorial director of drweil.com, the leading web resource for healthy living based on the philosophy of integrative medicine. He can be found on Facebook at facebook.com/DrWeil, Twitter at twitter.com/DrWeil, and Dr. Weil's Daily Health Tips blog at drweilblog.com.

He authors the popular "Self Healing" special publications, and is the Director of Integrative Health & Healing at Miraval Life in Balance Resort in Tucson, Ariz. As a columnist for Prevention magazineand a frequent guest on Larry King Live, Oprah, and the Today Show, Dr. Weil provides valuable information and insight on how to incorporate conventional and complementary medicine practices in one's life to optimize the body's natural healing power.

Walking; the Ultimate Exercise for Optimum Health - by Andrew Weil and Mark Fenton - Audio Book CD  

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